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BonBlast from the SMFA Seminars TOUR!

Hello from Toronto! My first time to Canada and I've already experienced toonies, poutine, and huge black squirrels. Favorite thing so far? Working with amazing actors on the Self-Management for Actors principles and the low fly-over we did at Niagara Falls. Wow! Okay, so the vid tip this edition comes from Miki Yamashita, who wants you to know the exact appropriate reaction when you don't get a callback. It's perfect. Click the hot button below to see...

A... B... C... DDA, people!
The Alphabet Game
Abraham-Hicks inspired this exercise. Whenever I can't fall asleep, wake up stressed about the day's to-do list, need to refocus on feeling good at any time, I play The Alphabet Game. Starting with A, I think of the most positive word I can come up with. Say, abundance. Then B, blissful. C: creative... and when a less-positive word creeps in, I'll keep coming up with words 'til one makes my heart sing. Then move on to the next letter, and the next. I either drift off to sleep before I reach the end of the alphabet, or repeat from the top, attempting to use all new words. In my waking moments, I spring out of bed upon finishing, filled with energy for my beautiful day ahead. Whatever was barking at me has melted away, through this deceptively simple practice. Try it! We've been doing this in SMFA Seminars for a few weeks now and everyone is feeling the shift. Midday stress? Not feeling present before a big meeting? Dissolve the anxiety away with a quick run through your A-B-Cs. Nothing wrong with tricking yourself into feeling better. The end result is feeling better. ALL good.
Bon and SMFA Worldwide
Chicago, New York, and Toronto are amazing! So grateful to Kevin B. Hartley of Drama Department for setting up the SMFA tour! HUGE thanks to SAG Foundation, NY Actors' Tweet-Up, and Second City! Info on future tour cities (or LA-based classes) is for those who have selected to hear about tours HERE ONLY. See y'all soon!

Get A-Listed
Get A-Listed, the web-based 12-week Self-Management for Actors Seminar, is coming SOON! Early bird discount, finders' fee, Cricket Feet Family savings? Yes. All true! The tier-jump of your dreams is waiting for you! *squeeeee* Get on the list for founding member notification HERE.

Bonnie Gillespie by Chari Pere
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