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A silly kitty vid!

I kid you not. Sometimes, there's just nothing better than a silly kitty vid, and this is one of my favorites. I don't know why, but when I see this, I am a giggling, silly little girl, and I think it's really fantastic to ignite that part of ourselves, from time to time. And this one is SHORT, so it's a great way to get a mood boost, fast! Click the hot button for a dose of tee hee!

Are you ridin' dirty?
The Modern Vision Board
Creatives tend to maintain visual sources of motivation and I'm no exception to that practice. Only, mine isn't the same as what I had up on the wall in the early '90s--images cut from magazines, words, and photos, arranged on a poster board, collage-style. For about a decade, I've been making good use of the "screen saver" function on my computer. I have a folder of photos called INTENTION, and only the most inspiring, lovely, "I want to invite THIS into my life" type images live there. My future house, our future puppy, my gorgeous stepson laughing, us toasting a new venture with our favorite champagne, my time at WriteGirl, me autographing a book, a student holding an Emmy... all good stuff. And I set the "screen saver" to create a slide show out of the images in that folder, whenever I'm idle for a few minutes. I'm on a stressful phone call? I'm breathing easy as a parade of blissful images float in front of me at my desk. I even keep the intention folder on my handheld gadget, so I can flip through it when I need a reminder of where we're headed. Try it! The modern vision board!
Bon and SMFA Worldwide
With the launch of Get A-Listed (see below), the ongoing, in-person Self-Management for Actors Seminars in Los Angeles are going on hiatus for a bit. Those of you on the mailing list for notification about tours and LA-based classes will get emails as we schedule events in your area. :) *sniffle* Bittersweet.

Get A-Listed
FINAL DAYS to Get A-Listed! The web-based 12-week Self-Management for Actors Seminar starts SUNDAY! We are sooo excited for all the ninja badassery that abounds, here! Thank you, actors worldwide, for gearing up for the tier jump of your dreams! Can't wait to work with y'all... NOW!

Bonninja by Chari Pere
We Make Movies
Thirsty Third Thursday