You’re Headed to the Next Tier!

Oh my gosh, so excited to share this amazing experience with you!

SMFA has changed my life. And not like losing weight or selling Amway. Like going from wanting to throw in the towel on this business to directing a new series and creating another new series. — Rosalie Tenseth, New York

Thank you for joining us for “Get in Gear for the Next Tier”

Over the course of these 100 days, you’ll jam through vids, MP3s, PDFs, action items, and group gatherings… categorized and presented in a gloriously progressive and manageable format so that you can finally cut through the NOISE of pursuing a creative career, move forward to the next tier, and find more joy along the way.

At the end of this 100-day challenge, you’ll feel better — and more empowered — than ever before!

And that’s when it gets *really* ninja.

Because on day 101, you unlock The SMFA Vault, filled with exclusive goodies! You’re already giddy, aren’t you? Yeah… me too!

Bonnie’s fabulous class changed my life. My energy is different! Only serious industry people should apply. Bonnie is awesome and I’m so thankful for her genius of motivation. — Tracy “Twinkie” Byrd, In the Twink of an Eye Casting

What happens next?

Choose a track! There are five of ’em and they all rock! Choose carefully… because once you’ve chosen, you’ve chosen (don’t worry; you’ll get access to the other four tracks after your first time accessing the 100 days). Just fill out the form of your choice now.

TRACK: The Intuitive Body: Need to attune your gut with your brain, do some mind-body healing, try a sober experiment, or Whole30 yourself to wellness? Your support for your mind-body connection and being fully present is here.

TRACK: Money, Honey: It’s all value for value and money loves to flow. If you’re blocking its flow, there’s inner work to do. Period. We’re gonna engage in profit clarity, play the prosperity game, monetize passive income offerings, and look under the hood about why others’ financial success triggers you (so you can heal that wound that’s keeping you from experiencing financial success of your own).

TRACK: #RelationshipGoals: Whether you’re single or partnered, collaborating with a team, looking to have a healthier partnership with your hell-yes rep, or hoping to make ANY relationship the healthiest it can be, this is where you’ll confront the setpoints in you that put lesser relationship scripts on loop.

TRACK: Woo-Woo Crew: One part astrology, one part numerology, one part Abraham-Hicks, one part intuition, and a healthy sprinkling of Chart Harmony, you know if the law of attraction has you lingering in your thoughts and feelings about this one.

TRACK: Writer/Content Creator: Blogging and living as an influencer, getting staffed in a writers room, script doctoring and screenwriting, or publishing your first book… if your pen is mightier than any sword, we can help you elevate your weapon.

Once you’ve chosen a track, bask in the beauty of your welcome kit and begin to consider how fabulous you already feel, headed toward next-tier you. Woo HOO!

In your inbox, there will soon be an email with a username and password. There’s a place to store that info in your welcome kit (but also, you could just check the box to stay logged in since the dojo is a place you’re gonna visit DAILY here pretty soon). *****squeeeeee*****

We add everyone to the program by hand, so hold tight and then we’ll be inviting you into the START STRONG section of the dojo so you can do some pre-100 homework, introduce yourself to your fellow ninjas, and set some goals — declare them to give them more power — with all the members of Get in Gear. Then, at midnight pacific, your daily access will unlock, one email at a time. You can go ahead and bookmark our instructional hub now!

In case your spam filter is trigger-happy, please do all the steps outlined here to be sure you receive our emails. You won’t want to miss a thing! (Seriously, my playlist is epic.)

Until it’s time to get started, we’re sending you so much love! This experience is going to be amazing and we’re so excited to share it with you! Please, if you need us at any time, reach out! Just shoot a note to us at and we’ll be on the other end of that action for sure. We cannot wait to meet next-tier YOU!

Let’s DO this!

Bonnie Gillespie autographed the internet

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