Y’all. Bookmark this list.
20 years ago, I started in on a journey that would lead to this moment.
Me, showing up in your life, sharing a list of all the free training we’ve done as a part of SMF-mAy — celebrating 20 years of Self-Management for Actors goodness through 20 free livestreams to guide you through your tools, tactics, and mindset to make your showbiz life SO much more filled with joy (and bookings)!
And if 20 years has taught me anything about success, it’s this: Showing up is what it takes.
There’s no magic pill. There’s no perfect person you need to meet. Being hard on yourself doesn’t cut it. There’s no formula beyond this one: Success = Hard Work + Discipline Over Time.
So. Do you show up for yourself?
Have you been showing up all month for this totally FREE training series?

Are you gonna show up for SMFA Summer School with me?
More on how to do that in a sec. First, the master list of free trainings I’ve been dolin’ out for you all month.
This is why you’re gonna wanna bookmark this page! Anytime you need a boost in any of these areas… I’ve gotchu!!
Okay, here goes!
Day 1: We got the mindset kicked off with a visualization about your "true north" — so damn good!
Day 2: We put aside overwhelm and perfectionism — yes, really!
Day 3: I gave y’all some homework for finally nailing your most castable type and brand.
Day 4: You learned how to get the best headshots of your life using the power of data.
Day 5: We did some resume feng shui to lead the buyers down the path for how to cast you next.
Day 6: I taught you how to maximize your footage, including knowing what you NEXT need to acquire!
Day 7: We shifted gears for a longer episode to be sure you’re ready to build a show bible that powerfully guides your next-tier relationship management!
Day 8: I took you behind the scenes of a coaching session in which we used the SMFA targeting methods to create organic connections with next-tier buyers!
Day 9: We turned that targeting work toward landing the hell-yes agent or manager of your dreams!
Day 10: Myth-busting reached new heights as we got down with your web presence and social media spaces.
Day 11: If you didn’t have a logline before today, you sure got closer with today’s badassery.
Day 12: We took that logline to the next level by fleshing out your bio… or two bios… or three. Yes, you can have multiple bios out there!
Day 13: Since we were on a roll with writing, we turned to the cover letter and I’m loving seeing your test runs in the SMFA Facebook group, y’all!
Day 14: Of course, that cover letter and all the on-brand tools you’ve cultivated thanks to your targeting landed you the meeting and we went over how to ROCK your time in the room.
Day 15: Never again cringe when you hear, "So, tell me about yourself!" Brandprov is your secret weapon!
Day 16: If you weren’t on board for self-taping before today, you sure are ready now.
Day 17: Wanna show the buyers you are perfect for their next project? That’s where your brilliance in content creation sets up an intersection with them organically!
Day 18: If promoting yourself has ever felt icky, it’s because you’re not targeting enough! It’s just authentic connection when done right.
Day 19: Let’s talk money, honey! When you undervalue your value, you’re teaching buyers that’s okay! Oof!
Day 20: Here’s how to organize your actor *business* so it really is like running a business every day!
BONUS Day: It’s a 68-minute long AMA (+ selecting our scholarship winners) hangout you won’t wanna miss!
That’s a lot.
Be sure you’ve checked out all the details about our life-changing program here and in the GIGFTNT Welcome Kit too. I wanna be sure if you have any questions, we’ve got you covered before it’s too late to join in the fun of SMFA Summer School with me!
Woo HOO!
By the time I’m putting together the next BonBlast, we’ll be busily working away in the dojo with the fine folks enrolled in Get in Gear for the Next Tier and all the free training of SMF-mAy will be over. So it’ll be back to your regular programming up in here… with a little twist.
As y’all know, I’m shifting beyond work with showbiz creatives and offering Enoughness goodness to the world. As this growth continues, as expansion happens, I am so grateful to you all for supporting this new phase! It’s as exciting as when I get to support YOUR growth (which I really really love doing)!
Thank you for keeping me posted on how things go for you as you make use of the Self-Management for Actors *and* Enoughness tools! I love it!
And you. XO
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!