Hi! I’m Bonnie Gillespie (she/her) and you’re probably a creative who’d love to stop being described as a “struggling artist” and start being called a “booking machine who moves through life with ease.”
Welp, you’ve come to the right place. As we jam through the four pillars of Self-Management for Actors, you’ll discover your most castable brand, identify the buyers who most need to know you exist, learn how to drop breadcrumbs down the path to your next tier (all while letting *them* feel like it was their brilliant idea), and never come off as icky like those folks who market AT people all the time.
If you’re new here and you haven’t yet read my top-selling book Self-Management for Actors, maybe you’d like to start by poking around through some of the most popular pieces I’ve written (or broadcast) that explain the framework… and how jamming with me can change your career trajectory TODAY.
No matter what, you’ll want to hop on my MAILING LIST to receive inbox love, inspiration, and immediate access to your SMFA Top 20 (a half-hour of inspiring and action-packed audio for your creative pursuit). Be sure you confirm the message that comes to you to unlock access to the goodness! Check all your filters and such. You won’t want to miss a thing!
Take a tour through the rest of this page to land on some really wonderful selections from the Bonniverse that will absolutely refine your tools and up-level your mindset for having a joy-filled creative journey! Whether you’re in showbiz or NOT.
JUST Getting Started
This business is intense and there’s a lot of noise out there about the “rules” so let’s start strong with this free five-part series.
- I Think I Want to Be an Actor
- 3 Things NOT to Do Early on in Your Acting Career
- How Long Does It Take to Hear Back After an Audition?
- Beware the Dreaded STOPPER!
- Why Formulas Don’t Work (for Long)
Getting Down with Brand YOU
Ready to take a deep-dive into understanding your most castable type and brand?
- Why Is Everyone so Afraid of Branding?
- Your Type Is a Shortcut — Use It!
- Your YOUness Is Your Brand Bullseye
- Understanding Your Brand Umbrella
- Show Us How to Cast You
Your Resume Is Not a List of Everything You’ve Ever Done
I NEED an Agent!
Do you *really* need an agent? Maybe. Maybe not. Let’s be sure you’re lining up with the RIGHT rep with, you guessed it, another free training series!
- How Do I Get an Agent?
- What’s the Difference Between Agents and Managers?
- The Agent WOW Kit — Is Yours Ready?
- When to Pay Commission
- Getting Auditions WITHOUT an Agent? Yep! Here’s HOW!
Footage That Fascinates
Moving to LA
- Moving to ANY New Market for Acting Work
- When to Move to LA
- What Do Working Actors Think About LA vs. NY? Or Elsewhere?
- Casting Directors’ Top LA Tips
- The Ultimate List for Moving to LA (Bookmark This!)
When It’s All Just TOO Much!
What?!? Another kickass series to support you when you’re feeling overwhelmed and wanna quit? You betcha!
- Just Once More
- When to Pack It In and Go Home
- Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s the Fix!
- 3 Biggest Actor Myths
- Get Your Mind Right
Oh… and did we mention you can getSelf-Management for Actors in audiobook form? You’re welcome.
I’m Not an Actor… Can Bon Help Me?
Yes! The enoughness journey is for everyone! We’ve got you even if showbiz is NOT a part of your plan.
- Responsive Offer Development (Bonnie Gillespie’s workout with Tara McMullin) outlines how to create — and get paid well for creating — exactly what your audience is already craving
- If creating content stumps you, you’ll want to grab Bon’s soon-to-be-famous 5×5 Content Planning Method to plan out up to a YEAR of content in one sitting (yes, really)
- Wanna use the power of the woo to get your calendar in order every month? Bon’s Aligned Hustle Calendar is a yearly subscription packed with astrological and numerological rhythms you’ll love leaning into
- Like the idea of using a woo calendar but need it to be way simpler? Bon’s Chart Harmony Calendar is a subscription (and mini-course) that just shows you the color vibe of each day so you can get your woo on WITHOUT having to do the math; READ: Which Calendar Is Right for Me
- Want to take all this a little deeper? Chart Harmony will help you connect with the energies already swirling all around us — no understanding of astrology required
- If you’re newly woo-curious, here is your free series, “What Your Birthday Says About You” to help you get started
- If you love that, consider poking around the growing collection of free and low-cost offers in the Teachable library
I Wanna Jam WITH Bon!
- Enrollment is currently OPEN for Get in Gear for the Next Tier — join us for our *life-changing* 100-day challenge
- Bon can help you get your online business up and running thanks to JFDI with Bon (watch the FREE training and then apply to Launch at 85% with our support in the JFDI Entrepreneurial Mastermind)
- Apply to join our intimate mind-body mastermind called Expansive Capacity (alumni only)
- Explore the power of the woo in a monthly Zoom sesh as a member of Live Your Chart or book a 1-on-1 biz/mindset coaching *or* Chart Harmony astrology consultation session with Bonnie Gillespie (packages available)
- Get on-demand access to Astrology for Creatives! Bonnie Gillespie and intuitive astrologer Rachel Lang have built a six-week exploration of your creative storytelling brand, your money and mindset blocks, and where your secret to prosperity lies… all inside your natal chart
- If you want your very own Self-Management for Actors or enoughness consultation, please go right ahead and book yourself
- Hit the replays of 20 days of FREE training conducted in celebration of 20 years of Bonnie Gillespie goodness right here
- Come do the woo-woo with us at the free Chart Harmony Discord server
- Check out Bon’s upcoming free webinar (if there’s one scheduled) here
- Dive in on Bon’s many fab YouTube vids (check the events calendar for her next livestream) happening here
- Get text messages directly from Bon (yes, really) by popping in your info here or texting BON to +1.310.388.9852 (standard data/msg. rates apply)
- No Bon, I just have a quick question!
Having Tech Trouble?
- Here’s how to be sure you’re getting our awesome emails
- Need to reach out to Team Bonnie Gillespie? Here ya go. We’re generally around to help you 10am to 5pm Pacific, Tuesday through Friday.
We’re looking forward to being a part of your creative journey! ’til that time, stay inspired so you can stay inspiring! The world needs storytellers to help interpret the emotions they struggle to understand. This is healing work. Thank you for having the courage to take it on.