Upcoming Events

Welcome to the official Bonnie Gillespie events calendar! Please check back now and then, as life happens and schedules CHANGE. We will always do our best to have what’s on this page reflecting exactly what’s happening in the Bonniverse.

We recommend you double-check the timing of these events (here’s a converter for your time zone). All times below = PACIFIC. If you have questions about any of our upcoming events, please reach out! See you soon.

Bonnie Gillespie laughing during a Zoom with clients all over the world

January 30th
11am PST
Bonnie Gillespie LIVESTREAM: How HEALTHY Is Your Birth Chart? GRAB YOUR WORKBOOK HERE! (Yep! A workbook for the Chart Harmony scorecards to use on your chart. Yay!) Use an app or site like Astro.com to render your natal chart and let’s get real about your starting point (and what to do about it, if anything’s in not-great shape).

February 6th
11am PST
Write Your Book With Bon Jupiter-in-Gemini work-along

February 11th
11:30am PST
JFDI Entrepreneurial Mastermind with Bonnie Gillespie

February 12th
11:30am PST
Bonnie Gillespie LIVESTREAM USE YOUR MOONS! Bring your calendar, your pens/markers/crayons, and let’s plot out the energy of the month(s) ahead together! (Wanna check out a previous demo? Here ya go!)

2pm PST
Goddess Mistressmind Group

February 14th
11:30am PST
Expansive Capacity mind-body/enoughness mastermind

February 17th
11:30am PST
Write Your Book With Bon Jupiter-in-Gemini work-along

February 19th
11:30am PST
Astrology for CreativesAligned MCs Monthly Meeting with Bonnie Gillespie & Rachel Lang; TOPIC: Black Holes in Our Natal Charts (and What They Mean)

February 20th
11am PST
re-vision-ing: Decans of Pisces with Bonnie Gillespie (ongoing support for our Astrology Vision Board Party! — available on-demand)

February 21st
11am PST
Live Your Chart Monthly Zoom

February 26th
11:45am PST
Bonnie Gillespie LIVESTREAM: Do You Have a Stellium? Use an app or site like Astro.com to render your natal chart and let’s jam about the clusters of energy you were born with (and how powerful they can be). Recommended reading: https://bonniegillespie.com/astrology-stellium

2pm PST
Goddess Mistressmind Group

February 28th
11am PST
Write Your Book With Bon Jupiter-in-Gemini work-along

March 5th
11:30am PST
Write Your Book With Bon Jupiter-in-Gemini work-along


March 11th
11am PDT
plan•it planner Seasonal Session with Bonnie Gillespie: Let’s discuss the upcoming season and how to wrap up the astrological year in a powerful way!

March 12th
11:30am PDT
JFDI Entrepreneurial Mastermind with Bonnie Gillespie

2pm PDT
Goddess Mistressmind Group

March 14th
12:15pm PDT
Bonnie Gillespie LIVESTREAM USE YOUR MOONS! Bring your calendar, your pens/markers/crayons, and let’s plot out the energy of the month(s) ahead together! (Wanna check out a previous demo? Here ya go!)

March 18th
12pm PDT
Expansive Capacity mind-body/enoughness mastermind

March 19th
11:30am PDT
Astrology for CreativesAligned MCs Monthly Meeting with Bonnie Gillespie & Rachel Lang; TOPIC: How to Start a Thriving Spiritual/Woo Business

March 20th
12pm PDT
Write Your Book With Bon Jupiter-in-Gemini work-along

March 21st
12pm PDT
Live Your Chart Monthly Zoom

March 25th
10am PDT
Bonnie Gillespie LIVESTREAM; check back for topic or just show up and let’s hang out

11am PDT
re-vision-ing: Decans of Aries with Bonnie Gillespie (ongoing support for our Astrology Vision Board Party! — available on-demand)

March 26th
2pm PDT
Goddess Mistressmind Group

All events subject to change. Check back closer to the event time, just in case there’s been an adjustment! 🙂 Thanks!

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