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Be sure you confirm you want our messages by clicking the link in the email you JUST received (be sure to check your spam/promo/junk spaces and do all the steps here to be sure you always hear from us). Woo HOO!

Check out the YouTube channel for some great vids or our Teachable space for replays of webinars and other cool offers. If you love talking woo, join us at the Chart Harmony Discord here. If ever there’s a question on your mind — Google it + “Bonnie Gillespie” and we BET you’ll find the answer! Cool, huh?


We’re so excited to share this time with you! If at any point during your creative journey you’d like to reach out, hit *reply* on any email to share a little inbox love of your own!

Get your Self-Management for Actors Top 20 MP3


All yours. Rock it out. It’s a solid list of 20 things you can be doing TODAY to start your journey to the next tier. It’s also a thank-you for joining in on the BonBlasts, because, y’know, I’m grateful and stuff.

(And, because you’re awesome, so you should always expect good things flowing your way.) Yay!

Maybe check out some of these goodies next!

Enjoy this creative storytelling life you’ve chosen! It’s soooooo delicious!


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