
What is with the let-down that comes after a bunch of really hyper-cool activity? And how much does the ego suck that it feels the need to be smacked about every now and then and finds ways to get “out there” and be extra-vulnerable? And why is it that it’ll be a “so-called-friend” who will oblige and put you in check when you think no one is noticing the sad stuff in the on-deck circle behind all of the bliss churning out?


Somehow, I already feel better, just by blogging it. So… for what it’s worth, there it is: questions. No answers. But the posing of the questions is enough. Fine. I’ll take it. Now to bed.

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  1. Ali July 9, 2004 at 7:21 am

    Ok, vague girl, I’m sorry you’re going through….whatever it is you’re talking about 😉

  2. cindy k July 9, 2004 at 9:11 am

    Read this in ” A Year by the Sea” yesterday and thought of you.
    “We cannot write in water… we cannot carve in water. Water’s nature is to flow and that is how we should treat life…emotion, negative or positive. Do not deny it but always let it flow through and then away.