A Little Freaked Out

So, after sleeping for 30 hours (with a total of three hours up; one to cancel my day’s plans and take some medicine, two to watch bad TV, take more medicine, and blog), I finally dragged my arse out of bed to get the callbacks for Teenage Dirtbag scheduled for Monday.
First check of the email brings this from a manager friend about Scout Taylor-Compton:
It’s a poster from the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children for an actor we have been looking at for the lead in this film (heck, I’ve looked at Scout for the lead in four films so far this year).
Usually, links in emails about missing kids turn out to be hoaxes, so I’m conflicted even putting this up here, but I’m so very concerned that it’s true–see, Scout had to put her audition for me on tape from out of town because she was on location for a film, staying with the director’s family. She was scheduled to be back in LA within days of the “MISSING SINCE” date on the poster.
I’m just really freaked out here. Please, if you’re into prayer, pray that Scout makes her way home safely. If you’d prefer sending good vibes, that’s cool too. I’ll be sure to post an update as soon as I get one.
9:14pm edit: a message from Scout’s mom.

First of all, let us just say that we are overwhelmed with the response from the acting community concerning Scout’s disappearance. So many people have offered to help in any way that they can, and it’s truly appreciated.
At this time all we can say is that the authorities are investigating the issue. The classification of Endangered Runaway was given to get her into the system immediately. As soon as they have all of the information needed, the classification will be upgraded.
Those of you who know Scout, who know our family, know deep in your hearts what to believe. It saddens us that such horrible rumors could be generated and spread at a time like this.
I can tell you, that this is the hardest thing we have ever been through. As a friend stated to me this morning… the worst thing in the entire world must be not having your child around. Unfortunately we can tell you first hand that this is true. Hug your children.
If anyone has any information regarding Scout, please call the National Center for Missing Children at 1-800-THE-LOST, or the San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Department at 760-245-4211.

Please email Scout’s family with information you may have at Scout_Taylor_Compton@yahoo.com.

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  1. Col. Hogan August 20, 2005 at 10:11 pm

    Well, Bon, I hope you are feeling much better even as I write this.
    And I certainly hope Scout turns up healthy and happy, and merely did one of those dumb teenage things in which she forgot to call.

  2. Daniel August 21, 2005 at 1:40 pm

    I hope she turns out okay. I was shocked to see the poster too.