Hey Bonnie, Love the column. I just started reading it recently, and I have already worked my way backwards a couple years. Awesome stuff. So, here’s a question that I couldn’t find the answer to:…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
First or Last
Last week, we saw 158 actors for a series of interactive industrial vids I’m casting for Dr. Paul Ekman (the doctor on whose work the series Lie to Me is based). At one point late…
Actor Notes in Online Submissions
Something you said on Twitter regarding the casting you’re doing jumped up at me. When I submit something through Actors Access, I never leave the CD a note. I have always thought with the sheer…
Reel or Relationship
Last February, I did an article on Relationship Over Resumé. So many actors focus their attention on the things they can accomplish — booking a role, getting a SAG card, attaining a coveted agency logo…
Who Inspires Cole Matson? Ron Newcomb!
Six weeks ago, I put out a call for awesomeosity and y’all came through with flying colors. Thank you! This has been such a great series that I’ll continue to share one “who inspires you”…
Get Ready for LA
I keep promising myself I’m going to write the dang “how to prep for a move to LA” column and I keep not doing it, because the task is somewhat overwhelming. I mean, the easiest…
Who Inspires Meagan Gordon? Kevin Knight!
So, five weeks ago, I put out a call for awesomeosity and y’all came through with flying colors. Thank you! Here’s who inspires Meagan Gordon: Who you are (your name, link to your site of…
Online Submission: Order of Operations
Last week, I put out a breakdown for a series of very cool industrial vids for the doctor on whose method the hit show Lie to Me is based. This is gonna be awesome, because…
Who Inspires Mariana Vily? Erin Cronican!
So, four weeks ago, I put out a call for awesomeosity and y’all came through with flying colors. Thank you! Please, keep sending in the goods. My email address is at the bottom of this…
Power Position
As we head into the final stretch of 2010, I — like most folks — have been doing a little reflecting. One of the things that has gotten very clear to me in 2010 is…