Last week I spoke with a group of actors during a charity event put on by Life Through Art Foundation. One of the awesome actors there was a CD workshop devotee. She’d been to so…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Couple o’ Quickies
Hi Bonnie, As always, I look forward every week to eagerly read your column. I agree — casting is like shopping. Right now, I am doing extras casting for a small small indie film and…
Pitch Clinic
So, I’ve been working with this group of actors for a few months and recently someone asked whether we could develop pitches. Immediately, others in the group murmured approval for that idea. One had a…
Your Headshot Is Your Logo
Hi Bonnie! First I must say I’m addicted to your columns! Whenever it’s slow at my day job all I do is read read read, I love them! Anyway I had a question about name…
How Casting Is Like Shopping
I was invited by one of the moderators of a child-actor-focused message board (PARF — Professional Actors Resource Forum) to participate in a discussion about auditions that get derailed and how actors can recover, what…
Dealing with Transgender Issues as an Actor
Hello. I am an actor here in Chicago who just happens to be transgender. I identify as female and pass with no problem. However I want to know if I should tell my agent I…
Standing Out in Showcase Season
Hello Bonnie, I have been reading your column on Actors Access for a few months now in preparation for my move to LA after graduation this May. I will be completing a BFA in actor…
Feedback on Audition Choke!
So, last week, I tried to help Matthew Jensen with some strategies for dealing with “the audition choke.” Silly me! I never once thought to mention something that I just assumed was a GIVEN. Luckily,…