Here we are in the final week of the three-part series on actors who produce their own work. Part one is here and part two is here. I hope you’re enjoying these stories from self-producing…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Audition Choke!
Hi Bonnie, First of all, love your articles. It was nice to feel the enthusiasm for your friend in your piece called Tier Jumping. I appreciate your writing. I have not read any of your…
Self-Producing II
Welcome back for another dose of Self-Producing tips from actors who are out there making it happen for themselves. The emails I’ve received after last week’s installment have shown me that you guys are hungry…
Minor Market CD Workshops
Hi, Bonnie. As usual, your column this week is amazing and awesome and makes me think! Seriously, I quote you to so many people. Anyway, in the question portion you posed something that many of…
Self-Producing I
A few weeks back, I asked for email from those of you who have successfully produced your own work. Wow! As you can see by the title of this week’s column, we’re looking at a…
Bullshit Excuses for Being Dropped by an Agent
What follows is an exchange that started on Facebook. I don’t always have the time to reply directly to actors who reach out to me outside of the preferred “Send me a question for a…
Give Up Complaining for Lent
Hi Bon! Happy New Year! As always, your column blows me away, and this one was no exception. I just got back from a post-holiday visit with my family, and I had to laugh at…
Tier Jumping
This week, I’m going to be telling stories without name-dropping and that’s going to be tough to do, but I think the stories are worth the point. Pardon the level of “vague” in what follows….
Feedback on Social Networking and Acting
Two emails to share regarding last week’s piece on Social Networking and Acting. Hi Bonnie, As always, I enjoyed your latest article on networking on the Internet. As someone who has done quite a bit…