I was chatting with a wonderful group of actors last week and the topic of DRIVE and DETERMINATION came up. One of the actors told me that she found it *very* important to make sure that potential agents or managers, anyone in casting, and certainly all producers or directors she encounters see — and appreciate — how determined she is, as an actor.

I could see, of course, how passionate she was about conveying this desire to me! Obviously, this was very important to her.

So, I was very careful as I chose my words, because I knew I needed to ask her to make a paradigm shift about how she was approaching “the buyers” in this business.

I said, “DETERMINATION is a great thing. Being DRIVEN is fabulous. But no one in the history of *ever* was cast because he or she was the most determined. Never. Not ever.”

Of course, as an actor, you think your WHY is a selling point. It’s not. Here. Look at me. Let’s say my WHY regarding Self-Management for Actors is that I want it to be a textbook in every drama department at every university around the world. I want it to be there because *that* would indicate success. (This isn’t my WHY, for what it’s worth, but let’s go with this example.)

Sending a copy of my book to every drama department head explaining that I am determined to get my book in every college worldwide is *not* going to make that happen. What is that *does* get the book named an official text? The value the professor places on its contents, as it relates to what he or she is covering in that semester’s curriculum. That’s it. Plain and simple.

So, let’s bring it back to you, the determined, driven actor who is certain that you’d get cast if the buyers just KNEW how much you *want to* succeed.

You have to think like a producer. A showrunner. A director. A casting director. Those folks are making casting decisions based on who helps tell the story they want told *and* who solves a problem on that set. Someone who instills confidence that the job will be done, that there will be no hiccups, that the creative process is taken care of by their talent, and the professionalism is unquestionable.

No one gets cast because they are the most determined.

No one gets signed to an agency roster because they pledge they will never give up.

An actor gets signed because the agent or manager sees DOLLAR SIGNS when they think about having that actor on the roster. The rep is aware that there are casting opportunities with which the actor lines up, and that the actor is going to show up prepared, professional, READY to book. Determination is a beautiful thing, but it’s not the WHY the buyers are looking for. It’s the thing that keeps you in the game when you’re tired. It’s what gives you endurance.

Yes, have that fire in your belly. Want it. Be driven to stay in the game long after it would chew others up and spit ’em out. Have passion for the long haul, absolutely. But don’t you ever lead with your DRIVE. It reads as desperate. Think like a buyer. They don’t care how much you want it. They care how easily you solve a problem they have, so they can move on to dealing with the next of a zillion problems that needs solving, in the course of production.

Answer the question I pose in our SMFA Brand Blitz course: “Why should I cast you?” Pretend that question is coming from whomever it is that casts, produces, or directs whatever it is that is at the top of your goal list, as an actor. If your reply would be, “Because I really, really want it,” choose differently. Your WANT is not what gets you cast. Your ability to solve a problem with zero drama is what does.

Now, go get it!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/001612.html. Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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