
So, today was my three-month post-op checkup (scheduled early, for some reason… holidays I guess) with Dr. Khanna.

Left eye: 20/20. Right eye: 20/15. And… he’s going to email me the before and after radial images (they are so dang cool… all multi-colored and drastically different pre/post LASIK) so that I can add them to my blog. Woo hoo!

What else?

David is back with us for a long weekend. It’s fun. I’m designing his actor website right now (well… mostly did it yesterday). It’s going to rock.

Spent most of the day on the phone with various CSRs dealing with all manner of happy Mercury Retrograde issues. VERY excited to be where we are, financially. I said 2004 would be a rockstar year and holy crap, it has been. It’s simply amazing what a shift we’ve made in our prosperity in this year. LOVE it.

Thwok is growing like crazy. She’s seriously becoming a cat. Still plays like a kitten though. Kind of like Keith. 😉

Speaking of whom… his son Quinn will be SIX this weekend. Holy crap! When I met him, he was only TWO! Even then, he was so very smart. Like I said after his first visit here (at age four), “The Johnson boys are BRILLIANT by the time they’re like three. And then they’re done.” 😉

Ahh… I tease because I love. I swear, Keith has taught me so much about love. Oh, and he’ll be headed back up to NoCal to deal with family whatnot again this Christmas, so I’ll do the orphans’ dinner again with my dearest LA friends (I really dig this tradition we’ve had going all these years now) while Keith [deep breath] plays big, brave brother. Bless Liz for handling all the day-to-day up there.

Oh, and Keith will come home with… a new car. Yes. Again. 😉 One a year feels right to him. [Yes, I’m looking at my 15.5 year old car as I type this. *smirk*] I’m so happy for him! We’re going to donate Snowball (his current car) to charity. Well, unless someone speaks up about needing a used car as sweet (but quirky) as Snowball. Keith’s years in LA travel: Year One — bike (and hit by an Escalade), Year Two — share my car (and stress our relationship out like crazy), Year Three — first luxury car of his life (used, quirky, but really awesome), Year Four — new car (thanks, Santa).

I so seriously love life. We walked to the ocean after midnight the other night. Why? Because we could. Gorgeous night. And I can see all of the stars. Man, that LASIK was a good choice. Oh, and the doc said we can have all sorts of free high-end web design services from his brother, as a thank you for all of the LASIK referrals and the good will from the awesome blog on the procedure. How rockstar is that?!?

Oh, the 90210 guest-star I cast in the film was NOT Val’s druggie friend. Need more hints? Post-Brenda years. Pre-Dylan’s return. At Val’s suggestion this actor was able to do something that stressed out Donna. Ooh, this is fun!

Goodness, I’m updatey over here today. I think I want to go out tonight… but ugh, it’s a weekend night. It’s just that it was 80 degrees today and now I have the windows open as I watch the sunset and I really want to go play. Hm. We’ll see what the boys come up with, when they get back.

Got a seriously kick-ass gift basket of food and booze from the producer of the film I just cast. Y’know what’s fun about casting higher-profile projects each gig? Better people and cooler “stuff” with each gig. 😉 Speaking of cool “stuff,” Faith’s official Significant Others holiday gift was delivered here. I said, “They send you scripts at your new address. How do they send this thing here?” “Ah, what do they know,” she said. “They cancelled us.” Bummer, but she has such a great attitude. I guess getting married in Scotland in a few months and exec producing your own series for another network will kind of put another series’ cancellation in perspective.

I will NEVER get rid of Google ads that are acting-related if I don’t quit writing about the industry all the time! Oh, wait… that’s what I do for a living, isn’t it? Oops.

Still need to write this week’s Showfax column. Any suggestions? I have my YOUR TURN part done. A reader wrote an amazing letter that will be, in its entirety, the YOUR TURN section. Awesome. I love it when people GET IT.

And when they don’t… well… you move on and stay glad your interactions with those types are few and far between. 😉

Yes. Cryptic. Me. Love it.

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1 Comment

  1. Aimercat December 11, 2004 at 1:20 am

    darn it…too bad i didn’t know you wanted to play. I would’ve so driven down after work for a drink or something. Next time, call me 🙂