Happy birthday to the first 🐠 Pisces I knew, my mother’s mother, Cleo. A true Rosie the Riveter, she bucked rivets in the wings of the B29 Superfortress and filled shells with tetryl powder while…
Browsing Category Ramblings
Offering NOTHING (But Still Paying Rent)
I cannot WAIT to share with you some of what I’ve been building in the creative cave all these months. OMG, I’m having so much fun and losing all sense of time (and to-do lists)…
Why We Do Christmas Differently Here
Watching others experience Christmas differently in 2020 taught me how differently I’ve always done Christmas. Well… not always always. I did have those earliest years of a wishlist and a Santa fulfilling it if I…
Today the TicTac Turns 31! Vroom Vroom!
On 11 August 1989, a teenaged me made her near-daily visit to Rick Case Mazda in Atlanta to see if the 1990 Mazda Miata she’d ordered more than a month before had made it to…
Half a Hundred
This is wee me. “Little Bonnie.” That’s what I was called, growing up, because I was named after my great aunt Bonnie Davis, badass polio survivor who lived to be 99. ⠀ This is me,…
What To Do (Option Overload)
Eesh. Okay, so for one, I’m going to blog more. That was one of my (non-)resolutions (“non,” since I don’t really make resolutions; the other is “more face time” with people I care about) for…
Twitter has ruined me for blogging.
That’s really all it comes down to. I no longer go to the trouble of logging into Movable Type, choosing the appropriate blog in which to compose, composing a blog entry, finding appropriate image files,…
Message Board Culture and Etiquette
(Showfax Bob, please feel free to move this is if you deem it appropriate. I just felt compelled to post this and figured the “Whatever” section might be the least controversial place. If you like…