Greetings, Bonnie Gillespie.

Great column this week, as always. While I agree with most of what you wrote, I dissent on the issue of LinkedIn. It’s true that most actors misuse it. It’s true that it has been abused by many. But is that a reason to write it off? Should we write off affective memory because some actors don’t know how to approach it? Nay, I say. And again I say nay.

The secret of LinkedIn is the secret of all social media, and in my opinion, the secret of life. Add value. Always be asking, “How can I be of more value? How can I increase my service to others?”

Here is just one way to do that with LinkedIn. And I have to give you partial credit, because you are the one who taught me to think like a ninja.

  1. Find industry pros you’d like to connect with on LinkedIn. *Do not send them a connection request,* just find them.
  2. Check their profiles to see what industry related groups they’re in.
  3. Join those groups.
  4. Watch the conversations in the groups. Chime in only when you have something of value to add.
  5. When appropriate and of value, start your own discussions.
  6. Over time, this will position you as a thought leader, and other members of the group will start reaching out to you.

And for the bloggers, LinkedIn conversations can be a great place to find good blog topics. If a particular conversation is getting high traffic, you know it will be a popular blog post.

David Harper

Brilliant, David. Thank you. Yes. You’re totally right. This is “lurk then lead” in action, for sure. Thank you for reminding me that — when used correctly — even tools that aren’t traditionally a snug fit for creatives can be powerful ones. Rock on and keep creating, my friend!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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