Support My Friends

I think I’m actually going to start a regular post category of “Support My Friends,” where I’ll try to get the word out about my friends’ gigs and how everyone can help us ALL get to the Hollywood A-List faster.
From the greatness that is Paul Bales of SAG Indie

As most of you probably know by now, I directed my first film last October, which will be released on DVD a week from today.
I would really appreciate it if you would rent the film when it comes out and tell everyone on your mailing list to do the same (even if you’ve already seen it).
The details are as follows:
Title: Legion of the Dead (It’s a mummy movie…)
Release Date: August 9, 2005
Where: Blockbuster Video and Hollywood Video (Nationwide), various independent video stores, Netflix, the Internet
You can learn more about the film here and here. The film is rated “R” (violence/gore, nudity, language), so it’s not for kids (or my mom).
The distributor tells me that, like theatrical box office, the prospects for the film are usually determined in the first week of release… so please try to rent the film as early as possible.
Thank you so much for your support. I hope you like the movie.
By the way, there was another horror film with the same title released a few years ago… so if you watch the movie and everyone is speaking German you picked up the wrong one…

Good luck, Paul! Hope it’s a great first week for you.

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  1. Joni August 2, 2005 at 2:25 pm

    Speaking of your friends, I saw Bob C. on “The CLoser” last night. He was a paramedic that gets roped into taking the main character’s sick cat to the vet, and later tries to flirt with her and ask her out. He had the most groan worthy line of the episode – but he did totally sell it.

  2. Debra August 3, 2005 at 12:26 am

    You know, this movie, “Legion of the Dead” is the one I talked about last week. They just had their DVD release party a few days ago. Ashley’s boyfriend Chase Hoyt plays Justin!
    Also, since you’re in the mood to promote… 😉 Ashley and Chase BOTH star in the new slasher/horror film, “Dr. Chopper” released on DVD TODAY!!! This film just premiered at Cannes and did very well! Let’s hope sales and rentals fair well this week as well!