Hey Bonnie! I’ve been reading your articles for some time (even years ago before moving to LA) and we’ve had a couple of exchanges on Twitter but I’ve never written in to you until now….
Posts tagged content creation
Lights, Camera, Agent!
Dear Bonnie, Hope this doesn’t make it into your “What Were You Thinking?!?” file. Headshots, resumés, and reels are standard-issue tools for the actor, but in and of themselves not extremely compelling. I was told…
The Work: Ep. 0116 — YouTube Rolls Out Copyright Infringement School
Thank you for joining us for Episode 0116 of The Work. Download Here! Topics include: two soap operas cancelled; YouTube rolls out copyright infringement school; new competition for B.E.T. Run time: 31:30 * * *…
Should I Self-Produce?
Hi Bonnie! A big two-year fan of you and your column and, when I got to LA last year, was fortunate to catch your seminar at AADA. You’re always an inspiration to me! 🙂 I’ve…
What We’re Learning from SPCotW
Six months ago today, I launched a weekly feature (well, I optimistically called it a “weekly feature,” hoping there would be enough content and enough interest do sustain it as such — and oh, has…
So, last month, I received the following question as a Your Turn: Hey Bon, I heard you about the self-producing thing. So I got a group of my talented friends together and we produced a…
Your Second Act
What’s your second act? You know, that thing you’ll do once you have gotten that first “break” and have shown this town what you’re about. Thinking you can cross that bridge when you get to…
I’m a Self-Producing Actor!
Hi Bonnie, I’ve been a reader of The Actors Voice for quite some time now and have found it to be informative, enlightening, humorous, and many times sprinkled with a dash of tough love for…
Monetizing Your Voice
Once available at Editor Unleashed (R.I.P. 2010), I’m now featuring my article Monetizing Your Voice here. Check it out at the Internet Archive for all the comments and such. Not too long ago, I spoke…