Dear Bonnie, Hello, we hope this finds you well. My mom and I have been curious for a long time now, and thought we’d ask, go straight to the source and see what you thought….
Posts tagged web presence
Help Me Get Traffic Online
Hi Bonnie, I took one of your classes in LA when I lived there and have followed some of your online articles on acting. I started my own cooking show and blog this past year…
Ben Blair: How a Tweet Can Lead to a Meet
I’ve written about
Critiques: Your Websites
Hooray! It’s the end of the five-week series on Critiques! Yippee! Yahoo! 🙂 Hey, don’t get me wrong. It’s been a blast getting to know y’all better by poking through your headshots, your resumes, your…
IMDb Resume Service: Worth It?
Hi Bonnie, Loving Self-Management for Actors. About halfway through — wow — am I edified or what! I see the business and the industry in a whole new light, seeing it more the way it…
Get Critiqued!
This will be a short column. But don’t you dare call me a slacker. I’m asking for more work than you might imagine, in the few words I’m going to put in front of you…
Choosing a URL for My Actor Brand
Hey Bonnie, I’ve been exploring creating a website recently and and are both taken. I contacted the owner about buying them and he wouldn’t give them up. What would you suggest as a…
The Delicate Art of Self-Promotion
I’ve written before about Self-Promotion, Rookie Orientation, and Publicists, but never have I really gotten into detail about “The Delicate Art of Self-Promotion.” And believe me, it is delicate. You — as a consumer of…
Social Networking and Acting
A couple of weeks ago, I was a participant in an event held by the Talent Managers Association and it seemed my fellow casting directors and I spent as much time chatting about Facebook as…
Quick-Answer Actor Questions
So, it’s time once again for a bunch of quick-answer questions. Woo hoo! Hi Bonnie, Thanks for all you great columns; I’ve taken quite a bit of advice from them. My question is about website…