I haven’t done the math, but I think I write two philosophical columns for every one nuts-and-bolts column. I think. That feels about right. I’m not going to bother tallying it up to be sure….
Posts tagged web presence
Kids in Showbiz
Welcome to our year-end three-part series on issues specific to young actors! Thank you, readers, for having written in with so many great topic ideas. Over the next three weeks, I hope to get to…
Bad Websites, Good Websites III
For our final installment of the series on actor websites, let’s get down to it: Do casting directors, producers, directors, agents, and managers even look at actors’ websites? Well, yes and no. Nearly seven years…
Bad Websites, Good Websites II
Since we’ve covered creative design topics, we’ll now look at practical issues: Do you need a website? Are actor website services worth the money or should you do it yourself? I interviewed some actors whose…
Bad Websites, Good Websites
Hoo, boy! What a topic! I thought Bad Headshots, Good Headshots was a hot one. Ooh, there are some serious issues surrounding actor websites… and everyone takes critiques of their “babies” very personally. Wow! So,…