As often happens, I was inspired by a conversation going on at Hollywood Happy Hour for this week’s column. While the topic was about respect and by-the-books treatment at casting sessions (specifically about readers skipping…
Posts tagged what you control
Stretch vs. Focus
When you’re working on your craft, you’re stretching. Your goal is to push to the outer edges of your abilities, move through your comfort zone and into a place where it’s a little terrifying to…
Book the Room
I was listening to a lovely and talented actor friend talking about some good news. She had just come from a fantastic audition. As she gushed about all the prep work she had done and…
Redefining Credit
“It is amazing what you can accomplish if you do not care who gets the credit.” — Harry S. Truman This is one of my husband’s favorite quotes. After years hearing my husband use it,…
Conspiracy of Yes
When you think about all of the factors that go into casting a single role, it becomes clear that it’s a conspiracy of events that lead to a YES. Let’s see… there’s the breakdown going…
More Feedback on The CD Workshop Issue
You’ll recall that a couple of weeks ago, I wrote about The CD Workshop Issue. Well, here’s some more of the email that week’s piece generated. Thanks, everyone, for weighing in! Dear Bonnie, Your column…
Feedback on The CD Workshop Issue
Phew! Last week’s column on The CD Workshop Issue generated a lot (A LOT) of email and phone calls. The feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. Thank you! I’ve been asked whether I could provide a…
The CD Workshop Issue
Oookay. I’ve caved. I’m writing about the CD workshop issue after having avoided it quite a bit. Of course, I haven’t avoided it entirely. I wrote about CD workshops in the July 18, 2005 Your…