Hi, Bonnie!

I just wanted to say that I was dubious about Periscope at first, but I gave it a try because you were so fired up about it, and it has been such a great motivator for me!

Being connected with other actors and filmmakers who are in the trenches and sharing about their work and their process has inspired me to keep working and sharing. I’ve always learned better in a classroom setting, and I feel like Periscope is the perfect environment for me to learn in.

I hear other filmmakers “lecture” on topics that interest me, ask questions, and hear input from other viewers. It’s awesome! It’s been so inspiring that I find myself choosing to do something creative with time that I would usually spend re-watching another episode of The Office.

Thank you for being a trailblazer and seeing the potential in Periscope or I probably never would have joined!


Oh, Phyllis, thank you so much for this feedback! Back in March, when Meerkat and then Periscope hit the scene, I was curious but not terribly motivated. Then in April I saw a showrunner friend of mine tweet that a screenwriter friend of his was “killing it on Periscope” and I decided I had to watch something that someone I so respected was so enjoying.

Three days later, I was shooting that first Periscope tutorial because I was clearly addicted and broadcasting every day. And, like you, spending many hours watching others broadcast, finding inspiration in what they shared, and then acting on that spark for projects of my own.

I *love* your analogy of Periscope as a worldwide classroom. For interactive learners like me (and like you, I’d imagine), this conversational style of content delivery is not just entertaining, it’s educational! This is definitely how I learn the most efficiently and effectively, and my DVR is now overflowing due to the lack of attention I’ve been paying to its contents. Oops. Sorry, “real TV.” #NotSorry

I have regular programming in which I engage. I look forward to my favorite “hosts” and “characters.” I’m developing loosely scripted narrative content and jamming with fellow ‘Scopers in our Brandprov Facebook group for Periscope. To say this silly app has changed my life in just a couple o’ months would be accurate.

How long will it last? Who knows? What impact will it have? Just based on the impact it has had already, it’s as powerful as Napster was to the reality Apple Music is living today. While it may be some other app by some other name a few years from now, the very act of engagement-friendly livestream on a device slightly larger than the size of a pad of Post It notes is a game-changer.

This is as intimate as interaction has ever been with a technological component involved. Man, it’s cool to be around for all this badassery! Remember, Phyllis, when we’re early to the party, we get to lurk then lead. Have at it! I look forward to your next broadcast!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/001994.html. Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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