I just have to say THANK YOU (okay, *scream* THANK YOU) to Deborah Cresswell, Mitchell Fink, Keith Johnson, Kathryn Joosten, Shon Little (and OF COURSE Miss Jodi), Blake Robbins, Faith Salie, and Rachel Scheer for making my column rock this week.
I owe y’all.

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  1. Ed R August 7, 2006 at 3:19 pm

    I must don the cheerleading outfit and point out that…. there’s no ‘Us’ without ‘U’.
    Not that I’m in the ‘Us’, or really even in a chearleading outfit, really. Hm..

  2. Debra August 9, 2006 at 11:38 pm

    Fantastic column, Bon! And the contributors are some of my most favorite people too! Love them ALL!!! Great job!