Thank you for joining us for Episode 0312 of The Work.

The Work with Bonnie Gillespie

Local Hire Ninjosity: Learn about how to harness your badassery as a local hire in OTHER markets, with this gem from Bonnie Gillespie.

Run time: 3:10

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Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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  1. Wiley Pickett June 19, 2013 at 5:33 pm

    Hello Bonnie,
    I just stumbled upon your website by researching techniques for self taping auditions. I have since viewed many of your articles and podcasts. I want to thank you for talking the time to do this for actors.Your information is fantastic! I have booked a few spots by self taping and have also worked in other markets as local hire. My motto is adapt or die! Until CAA comes knocking, I think this is what the business has come to. I will be “streamlining my demo reels on all outlets and become more specific on descriptions” per one of your articles.
    Thanks again for your generosity.

    Wiley Pickett

    1. Bonnie Gillespie June 19, 2013 at 5:43 pm

      Such a great attitude, Wiley! 🙂 Absolutely, working as a local hire, being willing to self-tape, adapting rather than complaining… these are all ways to get ahead in our gorgeous industry. I’m so glad you found my work helpful and I hope you’ve hopped on my mailing list to get regular updates about the latest goodies. Keep rockin’ and thank you for sharing a bit of your journey, here. 😀

  2. Richard March 22, 2022 at 1:46 pm

    Hey Bonnie-
    I am struggling with whether it is possible to do the local hire in other markets with integrity. I live in Austin and managed to get a recurring role on a upcoming HBO Max miniseries and am excited to try to take this “tier up” momentum into other markets.
    I would be happy to pay for travel and accommodations for other good work. But I don’t want to lie about where I live.
    Atlanta specifically would seem to require this if they are looking for electric bill receipts and such. Is it possible to remain principled and seek work outside my state? Do you have suggestions on the best states to do that in if so?
    As a side note I also have dual citizenship with Canada

    1. Bonnie Gillespie March 23, 2022 at 12:03 am

      Congratulations on the recurring role, Richard! Well done!

      I’d start by doing research on the shows currently shooting in other markets. Track which of those shows are ALREADY casting people who don’t live where the show is shot (you can figure this out using CastingAbout, IMDb, The Futon Critic’s DEVWATCH, and then by doing a little Googling). Once you see the patterns showing up clearly enough, you’ll know which markets — and specifically which shows/which casting directors — are ripe for local hire work, when actors don’t live locally.

      Certainly, don’t get yourself into a position where you’re fudging the truth and then worrying you might get caught. I like that you’re going in looking for how to do this with integrity. It’s absolutely do-able! You’ve got this!