Long-Awaited Photos

Finally! Here are some photos from Quinn’s visit. Click on any to enlarge by quite a bit.

Keith and Quinn on the lifeguard stand.

A kiss from Quinn on the beach.

Family on the beach.

A hug from the Q-man!

Keith and Quinn, all smiles.

Recognize that smirk? I do!

Like father like son.

Here I come!

I really love these photos. Thanks again to the amazing Cathy McCall for doing such great work. We’re really happy with the way you made us all look so good!

Enjoy these photos (and this post) for a while. From the looks of this week, it’s going to be pretty tough to get to post. New feature film casting gig, next Self-Management for Actors seminar, meeting to discuss the next-next feature film casting gig, HHH joint venture press release to create and blitz media with, plus packing for the trip to Missouri to cast a weekend’s worth of short indie films for the American Academy of Art’s Indie Filmmaker’s Bootcamp. Hoo, boy… that’s some lots of stuffs!

PS–The NEXT book (the one I haven’t written yet, the one that’s only been announced to our distributor due to the fact that their catalogue runs way early) has already presold 571 copies. What IS that?!?

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  1. Julie-O July 18, 2005 at 5:06 pm

    That is people hanging on to your every word, baby! You write books that actors actually USE (including me) and we get excited when we hear you’re writing another one!!

  2. Jeannini-Nini July 19, 2005 at 3:45 pm

    I love love love LOVE those photos SO much! Such a beautiful family.