Pretty regularly, I get an email like this one:

I just read your column on [topic]. Great info. Thanks. My question is about how that information applies to child actors. My little one is in a similar situation, but I’m not sure whether the rules are the same. Could you address this?

And usually, when I get these emails, I reply to them directly. Recently, I found myself copying and pasting a reply from one email into another reply and that’s when I realized, “Hang on. I’m answering this question or ones pretty similar to it often enough that I should explore whether this could be a full-on column topic.”

So, here I am asking you wonderful readers — especially parents of young actors, naturally — to shoot me an email at the address below about questions specific to kid actors and issues I may have covered in previous columns, so that I can be sure to give the “kid actor perspective” for a change.

I suspect that some of the “rules” of this business are the same, regardless of an actor’s age, but let’s find that out for sure! Tell me what areas I could cover, specifically for the young actors in the bunch. If I receive enough suggestions, we could even end 2007 with a little series on issues specific to child actors and their parents. Sound good?

Let me hear from ya!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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