…you 12,000 BTUs of happy. I really really do.
Browsing Category Geeky Stuff
Snakes? on a Plane
I had a dream last night that I went to see Snakes on a Plane and there were no snakes. NONE. Not one snake in the entire movie. What is THAT about?
Best Anniversary Present EVER
Now, the trip to La Costa Resort and Spa was pretty dang amazing, as anniversary presents go. But, c’mon… can you BEAT THIS?!? Clickee for biggee. No. You cannot. Monkeyboy David presented me (okay, okay……
Lightning storm in Santa Monica! Coooooooool. 12 minutes later: And there’s the rain. Cooooooool.
Okay, FINE!
Because there is only so much peer pressure a gal can take, I finally joined the effin’ MySpace place. Twice. I’m at Bonnie Gillespie as me and at Self-Management for Actors as my product. Add…
Radio Silence
Well… Looks like Earthlink decided to reroute our DSL from Covad’s trunk through Verizon’s. Looks like we’ll be offline while they make this change. Looks like we found this out when, at 9pm today, the…
Pretend You Teach Art
And if you teach Art, your goal in life is to put this image in front of as many kiddos as possible. No, it’s not me being all 6.6.06 or anything. It’s all about Snakes…
Could you use that in a sentence please?
As I upload demo reels to the Cricket Feet Casting server for the director of Salvation, Texas to watch (sort of pre-prereads), I have the Scripps National Spelling Bee on ESPN. I am mesmerized. (Did…