While on the way to a meeting with a journalist last week, I snapped a photo of a restaurant because its awning provides not just shade, but a great look into the risk of having…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Feedback on Understanding AB 1319
So, this week, we’re gonna feature a handful of the emails I got from last week’s column on following the letter of the California law, AB 1319. Bon, great column as always. Here’s a link…
Being Attractive to Everyone
One of the many glorious convos going on at the Self-Management for Actors‘ Facebook group turned to the topic of attraction. More specifically, to the topic of those delicious breakdowns that lead off with descriptive…
Headshot Photographer Won’t Meet With Actor Before Session
Hey mama, I need a column please. Unless of course you’ve already written about it, though I’ve done my homework on the topic and can’t find anything beyond this: “Headshots are important. Be in control…
Understanding AB 1319
Four years ago, I wrote an article about the “new law,” AB 1319. This is also known as the CD workshop law, the mall scout scam law, and the Krekorian Talent Scam Prevention Act of…
Feedback on Actor Age Range
Here’s some feedback I received on last week’s age range article from the parents of young actors forum, PARF. I like this article a lot. Also, it’s so important to look like one’s headshot and…
March Forth
This week includes one of my favorite days of the year. No, not my birthday or a special anniversary of any kind. It’s the only day of the year that’s also a complete sentence: March…
Still More Feedback on Shiny New Thing
Hi Bonnie, Great “Shiny New Thing” article and subject as keeping things “fresh” can be a challenge when you’re working the grind. In reply to your call to action, here is a bit of what…
Actor Age Range
A few months back, I put out a breakdown for a project in which there were two roles that caused a bit of comedy (in the Actor Darwinism style of comedy) regarding age range. Luckily,…
More Feedback on Shiny New Thing
Bonnie, Just read Shiny New Thing and it really spoke about the complacency that humans get into at times. I have seen it between actors as well as between crew and I believe the saying…