There’s this actor. You know the one. It’s the person from your hometown who made it big. Or it’s the classmate a few years your senior who makes a living at this. Perhaps it’s your…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Feedback on Shiny New Thing
Hi Bonnie — I saw your column called Shiny New Thing and felt compelled to respond! You asked the question of how one keeps the work fresh, alive, shiny, and new — especially with the…
Always Be Creating
With apologies to David Mamet, in Glengarry Glen Ross, he got it wrong. ABC is not “Always Be Closing,” it’s “Always Be Creating.” Because a close, you can’t control. Creation? You can. Every time. I’ll…
Myth: Interning in a Casting Office Is Illegal
Hi Bonnie, My name is Uma. I love reading your column and have learned so much. Thank you for that. I was wondering if you let actors intern for you? I would love to learn…
Shiny New Thing
I get it. We all get it. There’s this moment at which we’re so freakin’ excited for the next project… but we’re under contract for another project. It’s the “shiny new thing” syndrome. The shiny…
Actor Joined the Union too Soon
Hello Bonnie, First off I wanted to say how much I enjoy The Actors Voice; I have found it incredibly informative and also reassuring as well. I was perusing through your old articles and read…
Love Your Audience
I sent an email the other day that made me filled with joy. Not for its contents, but for its recipients. I realized that I was just happy that these folks welcomed me into their…
Does This Credit Have to Be Labeled Extra Work?
Hey Bonnie, Me and my girlfriend have been looking for an answer to an issue she is having with how to put a certain credit on her resumé. I looked at all your articles on…
I fired off an email to my awesome mailing list last week and mentioned something that had happened in my mastermind group meeting that day. That got me wondering whether actors know how powerful masterminding…
Feedback on The Realities of Pilot Season
This week we have two fab follow-ups to last week’s column about the The Realities of Pilot Season. Hello Bon, I just read your pilot season article. You stated that it is best to target…