Just in titling this week’s column, I’m conflicted. “Stage mom,” “stage dad,” “stage parent,” these phrases all have a negative connotation in the entertainment industry, and I don’t want to perpetuate that. But this phrase…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Cleaning House
Ah, agent drop season. A painful but necessary time for reps to clean house so that their roster is filled with bookers for the upcoming pilot season. Yeah, there’s also a drop season after pilot…
How Do I Prepare for Success?
Hi Bonnie, I know you are a busy bee, but I just had to ask you about this. I live in Silicon Valley and I am taking a two-year Meisner course in San Francisco at…
Prepare to Be Revolutionary
I’ll never forget asking an app developer friend of mine whose offering was more successful than he had ever dreamed it would be, what it is he’d do differently, next time, since his lack of…
Thoughts on Vulture’s Recent Article about Casting Directors?
Dear Bonnie, Thank you for your awesome weekly column and your amazing book which I read like the Bible! Vulture just published a thorough article on casting directors, and I would love to get your…
Penny Wise, Pound Foolish
Didja ever meet a hotshot producer, talking big talk about his indie film, dropping names and getting you all excited about what’s to come, and then he hands you a business card… with a Vista…
Actors: Careful with Your Social Networking
Hi Bonnie, Although I’m not teaching acting and voice any longer, I have a Facebook group for my former students so we can keep in touch and they can help each other out too (sublets,…
Buzz Beats Butts
I was in a session with a private coaching client recently and said the words “buzz beats butts” and immediately jotted that phrase down, as you KNOW I love alliteration, especially when it drives the…
Thank You from an On-Brand Actor
Bonjour Bonnie, Good Lord Gonzo, you are positively hilarious, woman! Thanks again for calling me in the other week on The Beauty in the Broken. Even though I can’t believe they found anybody MORE INSANE…