I was talking with some actors about the difference between the things that get you in the room and the things that get you the job (they’re not the same things, sometimes). Obviously, there are…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Self-Producing and Union Jurisdiction
Hi, Bonnie. I met you in Portland. Now I have a question. What advice can you give on navigating the intersection of self-producing and union jurisdiction? The prospect of becoming signatory in order to collaborate…
Change It Up
Before I left for New York, I had dinner with a friend who had engaged in an “Impossibility Challenge.” She had to spend the month of September working toward an impossible goal. Going after something…
Feedback on Starting Late and Protect Yourself
Got lots of feedback about “Protect Yourself” from two weeks ago, its follow-up “Your Turn” from last week, and last week’s column on “Starting Late.” Let’s dive in, shall we? Bonnie, Per, “how actors in…
Feedback on Protect Yourself
This week’s Your Turn is a thoughtful response to last week’s piece on how actors can protect themselves against “bait and switch” type experiences. Hey Bonnie — Great advice on protecting oneself in the latest…
Starting Late
I was looking through my inbox and noticed a theme: Loads of emails from actors who perceive they are “starting late” (or thinking of moving to LA, feeling like it’s “late” to do so) and…
Ninja Tips Are Paying Off for This Actor
Hi Bonnie! How are you? So great meeting you at the SAG Conservatory SMFA talk a few months back! I learned more from your talk than any other session that entire weekend. No joke. Plus,…
Protect Yourself
This week’s column — about a topic that caused reporters from both Time Magazine and The LA Times to contact me as a source earlier this month — is going to require a little outside…
Self-Producing Actor with Good News
Hi Bonnie, I am very excited to be on your mailing list. I have been reading your column for a few years now and I really love your insight and generosity toward actors and filmmakers….