Okay, so now I’m casting a very cool short film for Comedy Central and Atom.com (yes, it’s already been a crazy busy year — indie production flow is BACK on track. Woo hoo!) and as…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Ignore Character Description and Just Be ME?
Bonnie, In regard to your column called “Power Position,” I have a question. If you don’t mind taking a minute to remark or clarify, I’d be grateful. You wrote (and I cut it down, only…
I’ve been seeing a bunch of tweets and posts lately about Robert A. Heinlein’s 1973 quote from Time Enough for Love that ends, “specialization is for insects.” Actors in particular are loving this quote, because…
Who Inspires Derek Houck? Katherine Browning!
Last November, I put out a call for awesomeosity and y’all came through with flying colors. Thank you! This was such an inspiring year-end series that I decided to continue to share one “who inspires…
Entering the Cage
One of my favorite things to do is something I’ve had the opportunity to do quite a bit already in 2011: Take in fantastic talent; observe wonderful performances; watch people living their dreams; and then…
Wear the Same Thing to Callbacks?
Hi Bonnie, Thanks again to you, Robert, and Candice for running the sessions so smoothly for the Paul Ekman industrial auditions and callbacks. It was a treat to be there. Thinking about my auditions, I…
“I get out and hustle because nobody’s casting anything in my living room.” — Stephon Fuller I think about this quote all the time. Actors all over the world pursue their acting careers from their…
Body-Conscious Photos in Submissions?
Hi Bonnie, and Happy New Year! 🙂 A friend and I were having a discussion about submissions on LA Casting and Actors Access, and I thought you would be a good person to confer with…
We Love Y’all
I actually rolled out offer calls on Saturday. Yup. I was so excited to get the “yes list” from producers on this project I’m casting that I didn’t want actors to wait. Okay, okay, maybe…
Ben Blair: How a Tweet Can Lead to a Meet
I’ve written about