Welcome to our year-end three-part series on issues specific to young actors! Thank you, readers, for having written in with so many great topic ideas. Over the next three weeks, I hope to get to…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
When to Move to Los Angeles
As a SAG actor planning to move to LA in January of 2008 from Chicago, do you think it would be wise to wait until most or all of the strike situation has reached a…
Leaving the Blacklist
A couple of years ago, I wrote a column called How To Get Blacklisted. Frankly, there are many more ways to get blacklisted than the three I listed back then. But who wants to focus…
A Jock Thanks the Drama Nerds
I loved your column “Suzanne and the Football Players.” I was one of the “jocks,” the star on the football team. As I was reading, Suzanne would have been right about me, I went to…
Rookie Orientation
For our first anniversary, my husband and I went to an amazing spa/resort place with his precious son (my precious stepson). (Don’t worry. It was located near a really cool amusement park, and the boys…
Any Issues Specific to Kid Actors?
Pretty regularly, I get an email like this one: I just read your column on [topic]. Great info. Thanks. My question is about how that information applies to child actors. My little one is in…
The Human Element
As I write this, I’m watching Cars on Thanksgiving morning. I’ve seen this movie at least three times before, yet I’m crying — again — because the car learned a lesson and took care of…
Actor Wants to Support the Writers’ Strike
Hi Bonnie, I graduated from UC Irvine in June and now I am an actor in LA doing the “actor thing.” I have been reading your column on Actors Access for over a year now…
Audition Ad-Libs
Last month, I spoke to a group of actors down at UC Irvine. (Have I mentioned that this most recent graduating MFA class blew me away at the April showcase they put on with Harvard/ART?…
Feedback on Jingle Singing
I am a longtime studio singer — spent 25 years singing jingles — and because I live and work in Dallas where the jingle scene sort of dried up with the closing of three major…