I wasn’t going to write about the strike. I really wanted to write about anything else. So much so that I had scribbled a list of a half-dozen perfectly good topics (and another dozen decent…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
That Casting Associate Has a Bad Attitude
I love it when I get feedback on The Actors Voice: POV. Sometimes I worry that regular readers of The Actors Voice forget it even exists. (Psst! Did you see the amazing four-part series from…
Jingle Singing
Once again we’re going to turn The Actors Voice over to a chapter from the now out-of-print Casting Qs: A Collection of Casting Director Interviews. This time up, the topic is jingle singing. Yeah, that’s…
Analyzing vs. Bulldozing
You may recall that last week’s Your Turn from Peggy Lane O’Rourke was a response to my column called “The Let-Down.” Well, her contribution has gone on to inspire feedback from another reader, Jay Prichard….
Toughen Up
Seems to be going around. There’s an outbreak of bad manners intersecting with a heightened level of sensitivity. And it has caused my inbox to become filled with emails from actors wondering why casting directors…
Not Meant to Be
After posting my “teaser” for the column entitled “The Let-Down,” I received this comment from a busy working actor friend of mine: Oh my God. I actually just said “Oh my God” out loud when…
I’d Like to Thank the Academy
Last month, I tuned in for some fraction of the Emmy Awards. Truth be told, I’m a bit of an award show junkie, so it was really bizarre that I had absolutely zero interest in…
Supporting the Series Leads
What is it like to regularly work in support of the series regulars? As I mentioned above, a few wonderful actors (who spend more time on sets than some series regulars do) were kind enough…
Life as a Series Regular
Last week’s Your Turn kicked off with the following email from a reader: The question I have found myself wondering about lately is what the actual day-to-day life of an actor who is a star…
Request for Info on Life as a Series Regular
I love reading your column every week, I have read and own all your books, and I am always amazed at your unique ability to get to the heart of the matter so succinctly and…