So, you might recall that I was hinting around (but superstitiously not revealing too much) about a “big thing” for which I put myself “out there” a couple of months ago. Okay, well my plan…
Browsing Category The Actors Voice
Eric Gelman Memorial Scholarship
Regular readers will recall that I have written about phenomenal character actor, dear friend, beloved son Eric Gelman before. Last week, his murderer received a prison sentence of 20 years to life. In addition to…
A-List Playlist
One of my actor friends mentioned that my columns had been heavy on the analogies lately. Yeah, that’s definitely true. We’ve had a little football, a little high school, and a little cereal. So, I…
Quick-Answer Actor Questions
It’s that time again! We’re gonna do a handful of “quick answer” questions. Yay! Recently, I grew a beard for a role that I’m preparing for. I kind of like it, so I thought I’d…
Staying Present
I was watching this weekend’s Georgia game and heard one of the commentators say something that seemed somewhat meaningful. This was in the final moments of the fourth quarter. The score was tied and the…
Feedback on Stand-In Work
You might recall this great question about stand-in work from a Your Turn that ran in August. People tell me all the time that I look like [a particular name actor]. Enough to where I…
Doing Theatre
As you may recall from a column two months ago, I’m adding some content here at the Showfax archives that originated in my first book: Casting Qs. So, here’s another of the chapters. This one,…
More Feedback on Issues of Race
Here’s another round of feedback on last month’s Issues of Race piece. Thank you, everyone, for writing in!! First email: I have only been in LA for four and a half months and I have…
Suzanne and the Football Players
My old high school is now a Performing Arts Magnet School. Let’s just say that wasn’t the case back in the ’80s. In fact, when I arrived at North Springs High School as a sub-freshman…
Feedback on Issues of Race
Thanks, everyone, for your feedback on last week’s Issues of Race column. Please continue to share your thoughts! Meanwhile, here’s just a bit of what’s come my way this week. First email: On the subject…