Great New Commercial

It’s for the new Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr Pepper (why is there no DOT after Dr in Dr Pepper anyway?).
This chickie is sitting across from her beau who is talking about having won the lotto and being crazy about her and all that. She takes a sip of her drink and suddenly everything he says is…


followed by


from everyone else in the commercial.


Those of you who watched The Muppet Show as religiously as I did will immediately recognize that and have the song stuck in your head forever, as have I since seeing that ad.
Good goin’ Dr P.

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  1. Aimercat February 2, 2005 at 4:17 pm

    i tried to find diet cherry vanilla dr pepper today at Target and had to settle for a diet sprite zero.

  2. Debra February 4, 2005 at 2:12 am

    Sean and I have been singing this all night!!! AHHHHHH!!!!!!!

  3. Ali February 4, 2005 at 3:42 am

    no fair!!!!! We don’t have those commercials here!! *pout*
    But yes, damn you, Bonnie, anyway….but not in a cursed to hell way, of course. In an “I love you but why must you torture me?” way. But there are far worse things to have stuck in your head than a Muppets song. It’s not a bad way to spend your day.

  4. Susan February 4, 2005 at 6:53 pm

    “(why is there no DOT after Dr in Dr Pepper anyway?).”
    Well Bon, I do have an answer for you believe it or not!
    Ok, pre 1950 the product did indeed have a dot after Dr. The world changed in 1950 when Dr Pepper adopted a new slanted block-style font. The small lower case “r” consisted of a small slanted line with a dot at its upper right. To their dismay, they found that the period and the r’s dot combined visually to become a colon, thus making it Di:Pepper. The easy way out was to simply drop the period. This also helped move Dr Pepper further away from any medication association. another at and another, the corporate site, at
    Historical information on Dr Pepper can be found in the books:
    “The Legend of Dr Pepper/Seven-Up” by Jeffrey L. Rodengen, 1995, Write Stuff Syndicate, Inc. Ft. Lauderdale, FL, ISBN 0-945903-49-9, Library of Congress Catalog Number 95-060796.
    “Dr Pepper King of Beverages” by Harry E. Ellis. Dallas: Dr Pepper Company, 1986. The Centennial edition of Dr Pepper history. (See also the 1980 edition.)

  5. JeanNINE March 7, 2005 at 11:12 am

    Greg and I were just talking about that the other day! My dad and I used to always goof around and sing it around the house. Hee hee!


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