Happy Nonaversary!

Tomorrow is our Nonaversary. Yes, we celebrate the day we didn’t get married, 12 October 2002. It’s always so much fun, since we invented the holiday.

First Nonaversary: stay in bed all day and say, “Thank you for not marrying me.”
Second Nonaversary: champagne brunch and pottery painting.
Third Nonaversary: do a series of date nights to make up for the fact we’re working on the 12th.
Fourth Nonaversary:


Copperwynd, baby! (Here’s what I said after last time.)

And yes, we count the one in 2002 as our First Nonaversary, since we invented it. And yes, we still say, “Thank you for not marrying me,” to each other… only now we’re married, so we kind of only mean, “Thanks for not marrying me on THAT day.”

Hee hee.

Love that edits for THIS book are pretty much where edits for the LAST book were on the last spa vacation.

Tee hee.

Yes, I’m taking work on our honeymoon (but anyone who knows Keith knows, by virtue of the fact that HE’s going, I’m taking WORK on my honeymoon anyway), but THIS will be stuff I can do while he’s sleeping. *giggle*

Oh, I’m sooooooooo excited! Yippee!

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  1. Aimercat October 13, 2005 at 1:16 pm

    happy Nonaversary

  2. Chairman B. October 14, 2005 at 10:10 am

    Hope you had a happy nonaversary. Keep smiling!