Hey, y’all. Happy Thursday. Any NY actors out there who read my blog, could you do me a favor?
I’ve been asked (several times, actually) to recommend a Self-Management for Actors that is more NY-based. Having never spent more time in NY than a few weeks at a time, I’m certainly not the one to write such a book (and that’s not what these folks are asking), but I’m wondering if there isn’t already something out there like my books, but NY-based.
Is there? Lemmeknow. Thanks!!
PS–Meeting about the next feature film I’ll cast later today. Woo! Will share details when appropriate. 😉 Hee!
Need advice from NY actors.
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Okay — having only moved out here 2-1/2 years ago from New York, the FIRST thing I have to say is that when I first read Self-Management for Actors 1st edition, I thought — WHHHYYYYY didn’t I have this book 30 years ago? And that was from a NY’er’s point-of-view. Because the majority of information in SMFA is applicable to wherever you live. That said, ’tis true there is “some stuff missing” I suppose, regarding NYC (and other regions). I am not familiar with a book that is quite as comprehensive or awesome as yours that is geared strictly or primarily to NY. There are books that “include” it or “favor” it that I have read — just don’t recall one that was as thorough as SMFA — I’ll check my shelves and wrack my brain a bit more. But in the meantime….
ACTING AS A BUSINESS by Brian O’Neil has much, much in it that is geared to NY. Some of Clair Sinnett’s ACTORS WORKING has some. BECOMING A SUCCESSFUL ACTOR, edited by Chad Gracia (yes, GRacia NOT GaRcia) which may only be available through his actortips website is another. https://www.actortips.com/. Of course — there are some RECENT books I have heard good things about — but haven’t gotten because I heard about them after coming to LA. One, written in 2001, published in 2002 by Glenn Alterman is titled AN ACTOR’S GUIDE: MAKING IT IN NEW YORK CITY. It is dedicated to those who lost their lives in the World Trade Center Disaster. I found that touching, as one who was there during the time.
Also: AN ACTOR PREPARES…TO LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY: How to Live Like a Star Before You Become One by Craig Wroe. Looking at these on AMAZON.com, they both look like very good books, with terrific reviews. So either COULD be to NY what SMFA is to LA — haven’t read either one, so I don’t know. HEY! – Why don’t you, Franny and I read a few of those — especially the newer ones, and if they don’t have what SMFA has — heck — the 3 of us together could pull it off. My years of experience there, Franny’s “still-fresh-from-there” perspective and youth, and your encompassing knowledge and writing expertise — we could write that book. HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
Now, I TOTALLY could get onboard for a book with my lovely Deb and Franny team! Wow! That would ROCK!
What a BRILLIANT idea! Hee!
Y’all could tell me what–of my writing–applies to NY (or anywhere, really) and then we could write the rest with a NY slant. Great idea!
Meanwhile, thank you for these great recommendations. I’ll be able to put together a nice little email for the actors who write to me every week through my Showfax column and request NY-type SMFA books.
Thanks to those who emailed directly too. Woo!