
I love October. I’m not sure why. I can’t remember ever not liking October, so I’m guessing I was conceived in October and that’s why I dig the month so much.
But there are other reasons too.
October is when it turns cold. Well, at least in places that have seasons. In LA, I guess it turns cold in October too, but it’s not the same thing. Back East, I could always count on bundling up to leave the house on crisp October mornings. “Dress in layers,” my roommate would remind me. Yes, of course, since it’ll be warmer in the afternoon at some point. Layers are good. A little tank top, a mock-turtleneck shirt, a sweater (cardigans are good). Yes. That’s good. Even the ex-boyfriend’s leather jacket to top it all off. Hmm. Cold is good.
Too cold is not good, though. I’m a weather wimp. I hate extreme temperatures. I’ll complain when it’s warmer than 82

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