I just took a quiz. Not until I saw the results did I recall having received the exact same results at some time in the past. Yup. Like just over two years ago, in fact.
What Classic Movie Are You?
personality tests by similarminds.com
Hmm. So, I’m either really boring or really stable. *snork*
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Well, I just took that test and got the same results. I’ll take it again in two years and let you know.
You can tell me whether I’m boring or stable…
Maybe it means you’re passionate and sexy? (Which is how I categorize Jimmy Stewart.)
Heee! I’m totally “passionate and sexy” (and Jimmy Stewart-like), but I meant that I was probably boring and/or stable for getting the exact same results a couple of years later! 😉
Still fun! Love it! Quizzes are good times. Hee!
Dangit. I got Schindler’s List.
BonBon, little from column a, little from column b? 😉
Don’t feel bad, Brit. I did too….
Heeeee — I did 45 questions — and got…..
I had to laugh 🙂