Revisit That List

So, you may recall that — a few months ago — I asked y’all to write a list of goals and put it away, so we could check it out and celebrate with one another. Basically, this is homework for our Self-Management for Actors classes and the results are always so delicious that I decided to share the assignment beyond the population of class. 🙂

As we close out 2012, let’s celebrate Marisa Dzintars, who so enthusiastically shared her thoughts about this process!

Hey Bonnie,

I’m Marisa Dzintars. I am an actor. I first ran into you at the AFI SAG-AFTRA Conservatory weekend, and I’ve been following you online everywhere ever since.

A few months ago, you posted an exercise to write a letter to your three-month future self about how you want to feel at that point. I just opened my letter, and felt compelled to give you a brief response to my experience.

My first goal was that I wanted a clear vision on money, and for my money to go toward positive things, and not mistakes in the past (such as speeding tickets). I was immediately surprised that my first goal was not acting related. Nonetheless, one of my epiphanies was that I have made rent ever since I have had to pay it, so why stress about it? I also now have a separate savings account strictly for acting expenses (workshops, reels, mailings, and classes at this point), which is something I’m kicking myself for never having in the past. So, wow, yeah. Goal accomplished.

My second goal was I wanted to feel professional and confident taking on new risks. While three months ago I was secretly crossing my fingers for a co-star role — and that didn’t quite happen — I did feel professional and increasingly confident about every acting endeavor I encountered. And without going into lengthy details, a few of those encounters were new experiences, which I have to give myself credit for. Whether or not they lead to a job, I showed up and rocked it when I got there!

My third goal was to feel healthy, flexible, and strong. I’ve definitely had my good days and bad days with this. One day I did yoga so intense that I could hardly put on socks for the whole next week without hurting. My next three-month goals will definitely include balance!

It’s interesting what you think you’ll remember, and what surprises you later on. And for me, the order of success was the order that I wrote my goals in. So, we’ll see what these next three months have to bring!

Thanks for all your advice; it’s really been super helpful. I’ve used your columns and book from everything to cover letter formatting to just plain ol’ daily inspiration to keep at it. So, thanks again, and thanks for reading my “brief” email.

Marisa Dzintars

I love it. In fact, I love it so much, Marisa, that yours is the only email I’m sharing. I love that you made goals related to acting, of course, but also related to your fitness and your financial well-being. More than anything, I love that you took my point about the list being all about how you want to FEEL in three months, rather than what you want to have achieved, point by point.

Sure, goal-setting is important and being specific is great, but getting a list going from the FEELING perspective is a wonderful change of pace from the usual way we tend to approach our goals. I love that you invited things in and they started showing up. That’s spectacular!

Wanna commit to some three-month goals starting now? Fling ’em my way and let’s keep this manifesting flowing! 🙂 Yay!

Y’all, thanks for showing up every week and for all the awesome stuff you send my way, following up on these columns, suggesting topics for future weeks, and just being present as we soldier on through this creative career together. We are constantly creating the “Hollywood” we want to be a part of, as collaborators and storytellers. Choose awesome. 🙂 It suits you!

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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