Stop the Bitching!

I realize that I have turned my blogs into a “bitch book.” I used to keep a “bitch book” when I was in grad school. I’d learned that, if I had something negative to say, pulling out my little journal and writing up a storm could diffuse the emotions and let me quickly move on.

Eventually, I realized I was only pulling out the “bitch book” to make a quick list of things to buy at the market and tearing out pages to leave notes for people while out and about or somesuch. So, I threw the “bitch book” into a drawer and haven’t kept one since 1999.

I think I need a “bitch book” again.

I don’t want all of these vents about work and people and my crazy schedule to be my online journal. I need a more temporary record-keeping manner of getting these things “out” so that I can rededicate my journal(s) to counting my blessings. There are plenty of those. Plenty.

I do love my life. It’s wonderful.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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