Dear Bonnie, Hope this doesn’t make it into your “What Were You Thinking?!?” file. Headshots, resumés, and reels are standard-issue tools for the actor, but in and of themselves not extremely compelling. I was told…
Posts tagged self-producing
The Work: Ep. 0116 — YouTube Rolls Out Copyright Infringement School
Thank you for joining us for Episode 0116 of The Work. Download Here! Topics include: two soap operas cancelled; YouTube rolls out copyright infringement school; new competition for B.E.T. Run time: 31:30 * * *…
Should I Self-Produce?
Hi Bonnie! A big two-year fan of you and your column and, when I got to LA last year, was fortunate to catch your seminar at AADA. You’re always an inspiration to me! 🙂 I’ve…
What We’re Learning from SPCotW
Six months ago today, I launched a weekly feature (well, I optimistically called it a “weekly feature,” hoping there would be enough content and enough interest do sustain it as such — and oh, has…
So, last month, I received the following question as a Your Turn: Hey Bon, I heard you about the self-producing thing. So I got a group of my talented friends together and we produced a…
I’m a Self-Producing Actor!
Hi Bonnie, I’ve been a reader of The Actors Voice for quite some time now and have found it to be informative, enlightening, humorous, and many times sprinkled with a dash of tough love for…
Self-Producing III
Here we are in the final week of the three-part series on actors who produce their own work. Part one is here and part two is here. I hope you’re enjoying these stories from self-producing…
Self-Producing II
Welcome back for another dose of Self-Producing tips from actors who are out there making it happen for themselves. The emails I’ve received after last week’s installment have shown me that you guys are hungry…
Self-Producing I
A few weeks back, I asked for email from those of you who have successfully produced your own work. Wow! As you can see by the title of this week’s column, we’re looking at a…