Thank you for joining us for Episode 0918 of The Work.

Never Assign Motives to Other People’s Actions: We’re sensitive critters, artists and storytellers. But it’s never personal in show BUSINESS! Our ability to detach from why we *think* others are doing whatever they do can be a secret weapon to our success as creatives.
Run time: 1:59
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Enjoy Never Assign Motives to Other People’s Actions!
Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!
“You need to be using your creative brain for something far more productive than assigning motives to someone else’s actions.” — Bonnie Gillespie
Always dropping those truth bombs 🔥 Us creatives have *Universes* to create, and honouring that happens to be a far greater investment of our time and energy.