Things and Stuff

I am not currently at Debra’s house, after the memorial service for her sweet mother. I am still too close to all of the feelings I have over that kind of loss. I wrote her a long email a few days ago and cried the whole time I typed it. Couldn’t stop. Just too hard, losing Mom. Keith reminds me Debra will need me MUCH more in a few weeks and months when everyone else has gone away. That’s true. I remember those days.
Love Affair
Y’know what I love? My TiVo. I’ve been living in the bedroom for the past week, since it’s been so so so damn hot and that’s the only room with the AC. So, I’ve been subjected to the rabbit-ears on the 13″ TV with no remote for my viewing pleasures while working on callbacks for the film and on promotional activities for Faith’s show. (Hey, please feel free to pass that promotional activities link around generously. The show MUST get as-good or better ratings on Tuesday as/than it got on its first night in order to get renewed. AND… Faith gets bizzy with an electric toothbrush, for cryin’ out loud!!)
ANYWAY, I’m back in the living room today and enjoying the wonders of TiVo and a cool cross-wind with the lovely windows open. Ahh. It’s nice.
Oh, and I’m nursing two major scratches on my forearm from our late-night medicine-giving attempt with Salema. Ow. We went to a great comedy show last night, followed by a very late night dinner and sugar fix at Jerry’s Famous Deli with friends. Very good. Home very late, and then there was the Significant Others promo to create. And with my arm dripping blood. Lovely.
Two cool memes from BrYan (oh, and an explanation of What a Meme Is and memories from when I first did memes with BrYan.
“If you know me as…”
If you know me as BonBon, you probably knew me as a kid, a teenager, or a very childlike adult.
If you know me as Bonauello or Bonifred, we went to UGA together and you worked at the Tutor House with me.
If you know me as Bonnifer, Bonathan, or Bonalynn, you have heard me bitch about people who ask me, “What’s Bonnie short for?” *thud*
If you know me as Atena, you were in my highschool Spanish class, in which my teacher said I was not allowed to be called “Bonita,” as that is NOT the Spanish equivilant of the name “Bonnie.” Yeah, sure… whatever, Jabba.
If you know me as ActorsBon, you met me through, where I answered questions posed by actors for a couple of years.
If you know me as Scully, you worked for me at WUOG between 1995 and 1997.
If you know me as Bonne Bell, you know I have 28 flavors of Lip Smacker.
If you know me as eBONics, Super BonBon, BonBonarie, or Bonnissimo, we went to college together–most likely grad school–and hung out together at the Engine Room, throwing darts and drinking Dry Blackthorne.
If you know me as Miss G., you were one of my students at Athens Academy in the 1997-98 school year.
If you know me as Bon Bon Jovi, you were in my 8th grade class at North Springs High School in Hotlanta.
If you know me as Bonnie Athene, you either only email me at my Earthlink address or you are a member of my family, telling me I’m in trouble by doing the middle-name thing.
If you know me as Little Bonnie, you also know my great aunt Bonnie, AKA Big Bonnie, age 96.
If you know me as Brat, you are my cousin or my aunt.
If you know me as Precious (or “Presh”), you are Faith Salie.
If you know me as a BonBot, you are a very recent Internet-based friend who may or may not have invaded my real life… yeah… most of you have done that. Hee hee.
And finally, if you ever call me “just like your brother,” I will have to kill you. LOL
The next meme
1. Enter your first name only into Google.
2. Then click the “Images” tab.
3. Pick your favorite and post it in your journal.
Wow! That was sooooooo much fun… and there were so many thousands of photos to choose from. Of course, I had to limit my favorites to like a dozen or so, all here, for you to enjoy. But this image is definitely the best of the bunch.
Man, those were some good memes! Thanks, BrYan.
Okay, now that I’ve been blogging and memeing for FOUR hours, I’d say it’s time to get back to work!!!!! LOL

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1 Comment

  1. BrYan March 14, 2004 at 9:49 am

    Those were great. I’m glad you enjoyed the memes.