So, I just got off the phone from an interview with The Hollywood Reporter.


Meanwhile, enjoying watching the amazingly talented Kim Estes and Jasmine Jessica Anthony (two actors I cast in A New Tomorrow) on Commander in Chief.

We’ve booked our Nonaversary trip (yippee)!! And life, she is good.
Meanwhile, if anyone has a print subscription to THR and sees the blurb, could you save a copy of that edition for me? Thanks!

Edited to add: looks like Steve Tom is also in this episode. (He’s contributing to the new edition of Self-Management for Actors. Hee.)

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  1. hannah October 5, 2005 at 5:28 am

    The death of the TiVo meant no Commander in Chief for me this week. Sigh.
    BTW, when you got your replacement TiVo, was it well after the warranty was over? I got mine 2 years ago, & while the guy on the phone was like, “it’ll cost you nothing!” the website with the exchange form was like, “That’ll be $150.” Which I will pay because I can’t go back to live TV. There’s. Just. No. Way.

  2. Jeannini-Nini October 5, 2005 at 1:56 pm

    Welll…damn. No THR here. Many of our managers used to subscribe, but I guess not anymo’.
    Hey, speaking of fabulous peeps on fall TV, please tell Blake that he kicked ASS on The O.C.! He’s the nicest bad-guy I’ve ever seen. He even gave me a “cold-chill” at one point. Truly great acting, and I am SOOOO very proud!!

  3. Aimercat October 5, 2005 at 2:14 pm

    Whoa! I gotta start paying more attention…who were they on Commander In Chief because I totally watched it.