Who Inspires Kyle Walters? Brian Morvant!

Last November, I put out a call for awesomeosity and y’all came through with flying colors. Thank you! This was such an inspiring year-end series that I decided to continue to share one “who inspires you” segment each month in Your Turn. To nominate someone for April or beyond, hit me up at the address at the bottom of each week’s column. For March’s installment, here’s who inspires Kyle Walters:

  • Who you are (your name, link to your site of choice for promo): Kyle Walters (kylewalters.com). I’ve been following your column for a few months now and am halfway through your book. I love your realistically optimistic take on the industry, so thank you for that, as well as your logical breakdown of things. (Also, the guy I am nominating in this email is the guy that told me about you, so that’s one point.)
  • Who you’re nominating for their awesomeosity: I want to introduce you to my biz-buddy Brian Morvant. He’s my partner in crime, my acting bromance.
  • What they’ve been doing with their career strides and why we should take notice (why they inspire you so): His hustle and self-managing tenacity inspire me daily. While he’s not the reason I got into this, he’s the reason I continue and the reason I enjoy the struggle. His skill on screen is vibrant and intense and passionate; he never falters on an impulse. His work ethic is of Rocky proportions. His recent ambitions are bringing his stunt capabilities to the fore as he markets himself as an actor capable of stunts (which has resulted in a role in Delocated as a co-star stunt coordinator and many short nonunion films where he actually coordinates the stunts and then acts in the films as well). I see our two careers as dual careers… going up at similar strides. Another friend of mine the other day asked me, “So who’s winning the career game? You or Brian?” This prompted me to wish I had a real-life “unfriend” button. I was so pleasantly surprised that I had not an inkling of competition in my heart with Brian, unlike my college “rivals.” Brian was cast in a film The Penny, and immediately brought me in on the film as well. It ended up being my first film (his second), and we were co-leads. It recently started going to festivals (winning Best Feature at SAICFF), and Brian said the following after we saw it for the first time: “Ten years later, wherever our careers take us, it’s pretty awesome that we can look back on this and see how we started together.” Maybe I’m rambling; I just think he’s the best. The past two to three years of companion-career have been amazing, and I wanted to give him a well-deserved shout-out before our paths diverge. I’m moving to LA to pursue my dreams and he is staying here in NY to continue cultivating his contacts (and hopefully be a stunt performer in The Avengers). And I am going to miss him dearly.
  • Where to find more info about this person (link to their best promo site): brianmorvant.com

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

Originally published by Actors Access at http://more.showfax.com/columns/avoice/archives/001320.html. Please support the many wonderful resources provided by the Breakdown Services family. This posting is the author’s personal archive.

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