Yo, Proofers…

So, I’ve pulled a major all-weekender and gotten bootyloads of work done on the updates to the new edition of the book (woo damn hoo), and that means it’s time to get to the proofing!

I think I’ve sent invitations to all of the proofer patrol members who re-upped for this edition to join the new let’s-keep-it-all-in-one-place Yahoo group. If you’re in for the proofing but haven’t received your invite, click and join, please. Updates are happening FAST (got that Nonaversary trip coming up).

Yes, five-weeks-to-printer was ambitious. It’ll be more like seven. It’s gonna be okay… still out just before we sell out of the first edition (by like a dozen copies, if the math works out).

PS — THREE new scripts this week for casting, each with a budget near $2M. Rockstar!

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