13 Months in LA

Tomorrow marks 13 months in LA. The last time I’d spent 13 months in LA, I was desperately counting the moments until my flight “home”, having given up any hopes of living my passion as an actor.

Today, as I drove back “over the hill” after doing another of my weekly “agent days” with Traci, I thought, “I am truly blessed. I get to live in this beautiful city, spend each and every day doing exactly what I want to do, and I am prosperous! I am succeeding at living MY life, passion-filled and abundant.”

The difference is this: I was doubting my choices last time out. I really questioned every choice I made, too worried about what each thing I’d done said about me, in the eyes of everyone else. This time, I know that it is not possible to make a Wrong Choice, simply because of the fact that I am living MY life. And that’s why everything seems to just “click”.

In fact, my energy level has been so high in January, I’ve been asking others if they’re feeling it too. They are. It’s as if my metabolism is in high gear, my mental abilities are firing fast, and my drive is overwhelming. Already in January, I’ve had several dates (and several more invitations I’ve not accepted …yet… tee hee), many auditions, and have already wrapped an indie film. This year is amazing. The promise is unlimited! Like I said; what a blessing!

I start Krav Maga next week. I’ve dumped Jenny Craig. I cannot afford $80 per week to do it. I’m realizing that what really caused me to lose weight before was my daily commitment to exercise. The food stuff doesn’t matter nearly as much when you’re working out. So, I begin learning the Israeli Army’s combat technique, Krav Maga, next week. I’m so very excited, knowing that the strength, confidence, and energy release will be the true benefits — and weight loss will just so happen to be a by-product.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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