Under 2000

Within 24 hours, I’ll be under 2000 friends at the Facebook for the first time since October, 2008, just weeks after I joined up. *phew*

I have to say, I’m having a fabulous time unfriending.

Think about it. At each page, before I go, I’m looking at the soon-to-be-former-Facebook-friend’s INFO tab. When’s your birthday? Are you married? Do you have kids? Where’d you go to school? Where’d you grow up? Where do you work? What do you do? What are your interests? And are you grammatically correct in your favorite quotes (and perhaps more importantly, do you attribute correctly)?

Yeah, I’m grabbing your current number and email address to update my address book (since the mass download of contacts from Facebook simply will not work for my account — but actually, it wouldn’t matter, as I’m liking this “lingering on a page” thing), but I’m also getting to know you just a wee bit better.

How much time do you spend on someone else’s Facebook page (vs. just skimming the feed)?

It’s kind of nice to spend a moment with these folks, as I say goodbye. And most seem to be fully content with connecting at my “fan” page, where the wall is on and conversation is encouraged. 😀 Good to see y’all there!

And, here, of course.

I’ll be under 2000 very soon. And I couldn’t be happier getting to those last, darling 150 or so people who will be “my Facebook” experience going forward. Love it! Grateful for connections to so many amazing people… even as I’m letting them go.

Bonnie Gillespie is living her dreams by helping others figure out how to live theirs. Wanna work with Bon? Start here. Thanks!

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